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Will have to test***/ var newDiv; if(typeof newLayer == "string") { var xName="xLayer" + leeg.layerNo++; var txt = "" + "position:absolute;" + "left:" + x + "px;" + "top:" + y + "px;" + "visibility:hidden"; var newRange = document.createRange(); newDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); newDiv.setAttribute("style",txt); newDiv.setAttribute("id", xName); document.body.appendChild(newDiv); newRange.setStartBefore(newDiv); strFrag = newRange.createContextualFragment(newLayer); newDiv.appendChild(strFrag);} else newDiv = newLayer; this.content = newDiv; this.layer = newDiv.style; this.images = document.images;} return(this);} leeg.findLayer = function(theDiv) { if(document.layers) return(document.layers[theDiv]); else if(document.all) return(document.all[theDiv]); else if(document.getElementById) return(document.getElementById(theDiv)); else return("Undefined.....");} if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1 && !document.getElementById) { var eventmasks = { onabort:Event.ABORT, onblur:Event.BLUR, onchange:Event.CHANGE, onclick:Event.CLICK, ondblclick:Event.DBLCLICK, ondragdrop:Event.DRAGDROP, onerror:Event.ERROR, onfocus:Event.FOCUS, onkeydown:Event.KEYDOWN, onkeypress:Event.KEYPRESS, onkeyup:Event.KEYUP, onload:Event.LOAD, onmousedown:Event.MOUSEDOWN, onmousemove:Event.MOUSEMOVE, onmouseout:Event.MOUSEOUT, onmouseover:Event.MOUSEOVER, onmouseup:Event.MOUSEUP, onmove:Event.MOVE, onreset:Event.RESET, onresize:Event.RESIZE, onselect:Event.SELECT, onsubmit:Event.SUBMIT, onunload:Event.UNLOAD}; 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